Abstract submissionFor all types of submissions: Please create an author account on SciencesConf, then you will be able to create a new submission in the tab 'My submissions'. You will be asked to indicate a preference for either an oral or poster presentation and your choice of one or more session topics. No editing of the abstracts will take place after acceptance, so please follow the style guideline. Please use one of the following abstract templates : GK2022 template.docx / GK2022 template.odt / GK2022 template.rtf and please submit a pdf file renamed with the last name of the first author.
Oral contributions Abstract submission for oral contributions is now closed - please do not select oral contribution for new submissions, as all contributions will now be considered only for poster presentations.. Acceptance confirmations for oral contributions can be expected at the end of May.
Poster contributions While the official poster abstract submission deadline is past, we are still accepting late abstracts until the close of registration on July 20th. Poster format is A0 portrait (vertical). |
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